
Our work together is all about
collaboration on multiple levels.

Your body wants and needs your conscious collaboration.

Despite how it feels, your body has not betrayed you. It has been communicating with you and providing feedback all along the way.

The problem is that we are conditioned to believe that suppressing symptoms is the same thing as preserving health. However, when the underlying cause is not addressed and resolved, the body finds other ways to communicate.

The good news is that your body wants to be healthy, and it has internal processes that strive toward optimal balance and health.

So, when you begin to understand its language, you can fully enable your internal self-healing processes.

Your body is always trying to collaborate with you. You need someone who can show you how to listen and understand it.

Collaboration between the Therapist and Your Body is about discovery.

Your body is your biographer and has been recording and storing significant events in your life from birth. All this time, it has been talking to you, but you didn’t understand its unique language.

Whether your pain comes from an injury, repetitive motion, or is of unknown origin, your body knows what it needs.

My job, as your therapist, is to listen to your body, to discover the source of pain and dysfunction, and to assist your body in releasing these tensions at their source, deep within the body.

The Collaboration between Us is about You.

To provide you with the best outcomes, I need to know a great deal about you – your health, your history, your priorities, and your goals.

Each person’s healing journey is as unique as they are; and as your partner and guide on the journey, I want you to know that your privacy is completely protected.

Our collaboration is taken seriously.

Mutual trust ensures that we can collaborate effectively to co-create the outcomes you want. I take this responsibility very seriously.

Along the journey, I will teach you how to recognize and understand the unique language of your body. This education, along with a variety of self-care tools and resources, delivers on my commitment to empower you with the knowledge and skills you need to create the outcomes you desire.

About Me

My understanding comes from personal experience.

I have walked a similar path to your own. Most of my adult life has been spent dealing with a combination of chronic pain and persistent chronic illness. I felt I had a terrorist cell living in my body. It would strike at any moment, taking me from fully functioning to dysfunctional without warning.

Over time, I became very disillusioned with conventional medicine, realizing that suppressing symptoms was a game of whack-a-mole. It was a cycle of symptom suppression: pain, stress, medication, repeat – and I was going nowhere fast.

If I was ever going to regain my health and vitality, I needed to identify and resolve the root cause.

I have been free from pain and medication for over a decade now, and it feels great!

Freedom from my pain set me on a new path.

My health challenges led me on a path for healthy, effective alternatives. I researched natural healing methods, made significant lifestyle changes, changed careers, and went back to school to become a health care professional.

It is now my privilege and joy to use my knowledge and skills to help others find lasting solutions to their pain and to regain healthy balance and peace in their lives.

When I chose to pursue a heart-centered career change, I left the corporate world and became certified as an equine sports massage therapist in 2004.

Horses have had my heart since I was a child. Once I reconnected with them recreationally as an adult, I knew I wanted to find a way to work with them professionally.

Working with horses has made me a better practitioner and a better person.

Horses have a lot to teach us. They are excellent communicators, have vast emotional intelligence, and have guided my career path for over 16 years now. They have taught me a great deal about awareness, authenticity, intuition, and how to be a fully present human BEING.

My life has been so transformed by working with horses that I offer my clients special opportunities for coaching with Horse Wisdom, which you can learn more about here.